Outcome Based Assessment Platform (OBAP)

Latest Versions of OBAP

OBAP Theory - Release v3.5 [9/8/23]

Updated in V3.5
  • Minor bug fixes and user experience improvements.

Updated in V3.4
  • Minor bug fixes.

Updated in V3.3: 
  • Feedback page modified.
  • Report page now includes HOTS and LOTS stat.

Fixed issue in v3.2: 
  • Students after serial 35 were not showing up in other sheets. 
  • Student number count was also inaccurate. These issues are now fixed.

OBAP Manual - Theory v1.0

OBAP Lab Release v1.3 [9/8/23]

Updated in V1.3
  • Minor bug fixes and user experience improvements.

Fixed issue in v1.2: 
  • Validation error in some pages fixed.
  • Assessment types can now be selected from drop down menu for PPV sheets. 


Licensing and User Rights Info: The OBAP files and associated documents are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CUDZLU). Users are free to use and share the file only using the mentioned link, and modify the unlocked parts of the file. But attribution must be given to the original creators, ASM Shihavduddin and Mohammad Asif ul Haq. 
You may cite the dataset in the following manner: "Mr. Mohammad Asif Ul Haq; ASM Shihavuddin, 2023, "Outcome Based Assessment Platform (OBAP)", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CUDZLU, Harvard Dataverse, V1"
Visit https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CUDZLU for full licensing info and other citation options. 

OBAP Video Manual